He Could Have Called 10,000 Angels- Featuring 'The Lamentation' an Art Analysis

'The Lamentation' By: Giotto di Bondone Artist & Background: This beautiful painting was created during the middle-ages by an Italian painter and architect from Florence named, Giotto. It is part of a larger fresco in a church called the Scrovegni Chapel , which is located at Piazza Eremitani, 8, 35121 Padova, Italy . During this time period drawing from real life was less favorable, which is why Giotto's work sticks out more, the techniques he used weren't as common he uses a naturalist view. He gained inspiration from another Italian architect named Arnolfo di Cambio. Another interesting bit about Giotto is how his art is three-dimensional, including how the people are depicted with a more reasonable attire, versus all the extravagant attire, or no attire at all. Influences: This work is a religious piece that is part of Giotto's life of Christ cycle. Perhaps what I love most about Giotto is how his art holds a humanism view. Se...